Our service offer



Through coaching, we offer a very carefully facilitated and supportive space for leaders and leadership teams to think deeply about their experience of work and to consider how, by better understanding their own drives and needs, they might become even more effective in their roles. We focus in particular on the systemic nature of leadership; on how the parts of a school interrelate and interact to impact the whole. When working with teams, we address the dynamics in the group as part of the process of developing trust and team effectiveness.



In 2022, I will be launching a range of courses in organisation development for school leaders, catering for a key aspect of organisational leadership knowledge that is not covered in any NPQH or EL programme. The courses will be online and f2f, short and long, and will aim to build school leaders’ capacity for sustained improvement.

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Through consultancy, we help identify what's really going on in an organisation, looking at the interpersonal, psychological and cultural dynamics that are driving behaviour and therefore outcomes. By using a range of evidence-based techniques and approaches, we look under the surface of organisational life and - often surprisingly quickly - identify the root cause of challenges that remain unseen by 'insiders'. If required, I can call on a range of wonderful partners with tools or services that further these aims.



Reflective practice & work discussion groups provide a valuable opportunity for staff to explore tricky issues in a supportive environment. My aim is to help participants become a coherent group, to think together about the work they have to do, and to build trust, momentum and a sense of togetherness.


“We thought students were disengaging, but it turned out that staff were just unable to see their engagement. Recent changes to policy and practice meant they didn’t have the time, and were encouraged to focus elsewhere. Thanks to Ben’s work with everyone in our community, we saw this just in time and were able to respond before they really did disengage.”

— Chair of Governors, secondary school, Suffolk

Want to find out more? Drop us a line.